Lack of time...

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been working at UPS everyday now... It's getting old.

I may start working at Toys R' Us though. I had the interview today, and find out Monday if I got the job or not.

Dayton Lanfest this weekend people!!! After much delay, it is finally here. We (KOLT) (aka our LAN group) will be competing in the 5 v 5 Call Of Duty 2 Tournament. Hopefully we will win and bring home $400 bucks or more. It will rock!

I will defiantly be posting from Dayton to let you all know what's going on, although I may not post until a very ugly (or beautiful depending on how you look at it) hour, so look for that.

That's all for now, see you all in Dayton!

God bless,